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  • Writer's picturePam Newton

The Mystery of Waino's Wedding

By Pamela Newton

(part of the research for the MILL TOWN Trilogy)

When I found the marriage certificate for Waino Kaupi, twenty-one years of age, and his young bride, Helen Maria Hendrickson, twenty-three years at her last birthday, right here at the Maynard Historical Society, I was thrilled. Here was evidence that he had a life beyond playing the cornet and the trumpet, however exquisite his talent might have been. Being a big picture person, I forced myself to look more carefully at Certificate # 469. For instance, at the top of the form, it is written that this was Intention No. 15. I noticed more and more details as I perused all of the information recorded on this small piece of official paper.

They were married on April 27, 1919. The Reverend Evert Maattala, Minister of the Gospel, certified, “I joined the above named persons in marriage at the ‘Bride’s Home in the farm’.” Since both of them are listed as living in Maynard, I can only surmise that they were joined together in matrimony in this little town. Rev. Maattala listed his address as 13 Warren St. L Bed 304 in Maynard.

Later, I found Waino Nikolai Kauppi listed in the U.S. Presbyterian Church Records (1701 – 1970) with June 11, 1930 and Death: 1932. Possibly he was of the Presbyterian faith, but he was not married to Helen Maria in a Church. His parents are listed in the Certificate of Marriage as Andrew Kauppi and Anna Nikkinen, and his birthplace, Finland. His bride’s parents are Matti Hendrickson and Hilma Salvosaho, and Helen’s birthplace is Worcester, Mass. The wedding had been planned as the date of “Intention of Marriage” is duly entered on April 17th, 1919 by the “Town Clerk or Registrar” Frank E. Sanderson.

There was also evidence that Waino Kauppi registered for the draft on September 12, 1918, seven months before his marriage, and that his address was 28 Walnut Street, Maynard, P.O. Box 681. Beyond that, I have not been able to garner much information that is not specifically concerned with his cornet and trumpet playing. The boy wonder started touring around 1915 with McEnnely and also made trips to Finland to play there with his own group. This might have been difficult for his young wife whose occupation was listed as “At Home”. I have no concept of how his marriage to Helen Maria fared. The mystery remains, but I am determined to keep searching. My radar screen includes a return trip to the Maynard Historical Society, letters to Mass. Kauppi residents, and contact with the Vital Statistics Dept. of the State of New York. I will keep you posted when I write Part 3 about Waino, a blog about his music including what I found in the New Yorker!

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